Newsletter NRP 75 – 27 April 2022
Ethical, Legal and Social Issues of Big Data – a Comprehensive Overview
The White Paper provides an overview of the key ethical, legal, and social challenges of big data and gives guidance.
Exceptional scientific achievements for young researchers
The NRP 75 ‘Big Data’ project has also produced a few theses that have been awarded prizes.
The potential of renewable energy in Switzerland
The “HyEnergy” project sought to study the potential of hybrid renewable energy systems, i.e. systems combining two types of energy production in the form of heat or electricity.
Tracking soil erosion with Big Data
The ‘weObserve’ project developed efficient strategies enabling data analyses and evaluations on a large scale and over long periods of time.
Completed project: Automatic analysis of solar eruptions
Astronomical observation missions collect data in such large quantities that they can no longer be analysed manually, but only automatically. The present project used methods of machine learning in solar research to better understand and predict solar eruptions.
Completed project: Regulating Big Data in trade agreements
International trade agreements increasingly deal with the regulation of digital trade. Many of these rules, in particular in recent trade treaties, are directly linked to cross-border data flows and issues in the domain of data governance, such as those of data protection. There is an urgent need for both academics and policymakers to understand this rulemaking and its implications across different societal contexts. This project explored the emergent trade regulatory landscape for data using a combination of analytical tools grounded in law and political science.
Completed project: An ethical framework for the use of health-related Big Data
An interdisciplinary team investigated complex ethical questions raised by the Big Data revolution in medicine and health research. The project focused on topics such as risk-benefit analysis, declaration of consent, protection of privacy and ethics oversight mechanisms.
Completed project: Smartphones to monitor and understand the burden of low back pain
Engineering, medical and health science researchers have been collaborating with the medical device industry to study low back pain via smartphones and wearables. The goal was to improve understanding of low back pain and to develop new solutions for therapy and prevention using mobile health technologies.
Completed project: Processing and visualising data about interactions
The goal of this project was to enable people to analyse, process and “see” data on interactions between people, systems and the environment. Records of phone calls or social media posts are just two examples of such data. This type of analysis could deliver new business insights and improve decision making.
Completed project: The global structure of knowledge networks
Patents are legal instruments used to protect the right of individuals to exploit their inventions. Patents are also a type of formalised knowledge used in the production of other knowledge. This project analysed patent citations to determine how patents produce knowledge that may eventually lead to innovation.
Completed project: A learning storage structure for genetic information
The future of biomedical research is closely linked to a better understanding of the genome. In particular, success depends on storing, analysing, and logically linking the genetic information contained in hundreds of thousands of samples.
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